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Friday, January 13, 2012


Encouragement is something we talk about quite a bit, but don’t do very well. Real encouragement inspires someone to be courageous.  It doesn’t inflate their ego (flattery) or push them toward our view of a more positive version of them (manipulation) or prove our opinions are right (pride).

Encouragement tells the Truth in a way that inspires (EN) courage (COURAGE) and it’s very powerful.

I had my 40th birthday this week.  As a part of the celebration my husband asked many of our friends and family to write letters for a book that he gave me.  This encouraged me.  Seriously. Encouraged. Me. 

As I read precious thoughts from my children, husband, siblings, parents, family, and friends there were some beautifully recurrent themes; both deep and shallow, funny and serious.  It was humbling to see some accomplishment of goals I’d set and worked to achieve.  It was much more humbling to see some things that just are….me that have mattered to someone else.

Less than a week before I received this gift (but weeks after the hubby started this project) I had one of those great giant unexpected onslaughts of insecurity.  You know the kind?  It fills up your heart like a sinking emotional boat even while your mind is trying to bail with great futile effort, until you just decide you might let yourself drown in a big bunch of ugh. I just felt irritatingly inadequate.

This book was a gift not just in the timing, but also in the content.  Don’t underestimate the power of encouragement.  We all need courage to live well through our days, and we all can give it to one another.  So today, look around and give true encouragement.  Not the counterfeit versions of flattery and manipulation and pride that really only serve you, but real Truth. 

Truth that has paid enough attention to see and know another. 
Truth that can recognize the unique beauty of another’s strengths and the marks of the calling of their Creator. 
Truth that inspires courageous faith-filled action.
Tell it.

“So speak encouraging words to one another.
Build up hope so you'll all be together in this, 
no one left out, no one left behind.”
1 Thessalonians 5:11
The Message

1 comment:

  1. I was sooooo going to add to that book, but my own feelings of being inadequate prevailed. You truely are such a blessing to me.....gotta share:

    Today God has been working on me about following through with the blog He told me to start a year ago. Unfortunately, I haven't "felt" that direction, other than knowing I am to do it. What in the world to write that people would want to read? Well, I THINK I have it, and your blog here kinda reinforces it. It is supposed to be a blog of encouragement along life's paths ----I think:)

    Asking you to follow it (, and pass it on, if God-led. Pray for me.

    Thanks Jamy.....For YOU!
