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Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Our oldest has really become a fan of fishing.  I am a fan of him, and my girls are both fans of being outside......and the usual snacks and goodies that go along with such a trip. 

One of my favorite childhood memories is when my parents would pick up KFC and our family of five would go to a nearby lake.  There was a really fun spillway nearby and picnic pavilions that were probably within my mom's eyesight, but we had to cross a stream to get there and felt we had hiked several miles on our own.  We could crawl up on top of this particular stone pavilion.....I loved it, still do.

Happy memories.

October has become a crazy busy month for my husband, and we were really thrilled to have an evening to sneak away to go fishing last week.  We picked up a bucket of KFC (thus the nostalgic earlier ramblings) and headed to the pond.

We all had fun - the boys fishing, the girls playing in the mud and the little boat, the Mom taking pictures and eating KFC biscuits.

I had a great time taking and editing the pictures from that evening. 

These sweet little evenings are treasures.  Doesn't it seem that the ones we plan out in detail often pale in comparison to these "KFC fly by the seat of your pants" adventures?


  1. Beautiful pictures and reflections. Beautiful memories of our family then...and now. God is SO good!

  2. I think it's the spontaneity that makes moments like these so much more vivid than those planned adventures. It's the feeling that we're stepping off the path of our schedule, our plans - exploring new ways that we can spend our time. It feels like we're breaking the rules (albeit our own rules) and that always sends a little thrill down my spine (especially when the only "consequences" for breaking these rules are cherished family memories).

  3. Laurie - I'm so glad you got to read this. Remember that pavilion we would climb on top of and then jump off the back?? I can't remember what I ate for breakfast yesterday but I have very specific memories of the spillway park. You are a part of all those heart pictures.

    Angela - SO agree, for rule keepers like me there is definitely a thrill there!

